The UK was the first country in the world to develop the concept of public private partnerships (PPPs) for public services projects. Through partnership with the private sector, PPPs enable the delivery of efficient, cost-effective and measurable public services within modern facilities whilst minimising the financial risk.
More than 20 years since the UK launched its first private finance initiative (PFI), the benefits of healthy citizens to a nation’s economy and growth are even clearer. Many countries are experiencing a rising demand for healthcare services, whilst continuing to have constraints on public resources available to fund such developments.
PPPs offer innovative and entrepreneurial approaches to providing the services and facilities demanded of 21st century healthcare. The emphasis is on generating quality service outputs rather than treating building infrastructure as an end in itself. Also, the creation of strong partnerships is moving service delivery away from a project-by-project approach to one that includes strategic and policy developments for long-term results.

To offer the best healthcare environments to patients and staff, BLP Members and Alfred McAlpine worked with the team at Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS trust build a new 35,000sqm clinical building for Stoke Mandeville Hospital. Plus car parking facilities.
In Milton Keynes we worked on the In-health Diagnostic Centre was built as a Diagnosis/screening unit specialising in the provision of services relating to caring for adults over 65 years, diagnostic and screening procedures and treatment of disease, disorder or injury.