Our team brings a breadth and depth of environmental sector experience, growing and scaling Environmental Consulting Enterprises across the globe. Our clients trust our expertise to plan, scale and resource their operations to win new markets and clients and deliver successful projects.
The BLP network comprises former senior Environmental Consulting professionals, technical discipline leads, project managers with deep industry knowledge and experience delivering some of the most complex and challenging Environmental projects on the planet.
Our market sector leaders have a working knowledge and understanding of helping Environmental services organizations achieve sustainable growth through M&As, organic business development and Strategic hires.
We utilize the expertise and knowledge of our Environmental Market sector Partnership group, to identify, qualify, track, pursue and procure project specific opportunities, aligned to the business growth strategies.
We bring experience:
Sector | Client | Project | Services |
Municipal Drainage Infrastructure | City of Chilliwack City of Abbotsford District of Kent | Annual stream channel maintenance | Permitting, Fish/Amphibian Salvage, Environmental Monitoring, and Hand Maintenance |
Water Quality Management | BC Joint Water Committee | Amalgamation | Advisory and Integration |
Aquatic and Marine | BC Ferries | Horseshoe Bay and Departure Bay Ferry Terminal Upgrades | Environmental Assessments and Offsetting Design, Construction Monitoring, and Hydroa- coustic Monitoring for Pile Driving |
Aquatic and Marine | BC Ferries | Langdale Creek Bank Protection and Channel Enhancement Langdale Foreshore Offsetting | Fish Habitat Design, Salt Marsh Design and Riparian/Salt Marsh Offsetting Planting, and Environmental Monitoring |
Aquatic and Marine | Vedder River Manage- ment Area Committee | Vedder River Floodway Management | Project Design and Implementation, Habitat Mapping, and Environmental Monitoring |
Aquatic and Marine | Emergency Management BC (EMBC) & Seabird Island FN | Fraser River Sediment Removal Projects | Project Design and Implementation, Habitat Mapping, and Environmental Monitoring |
Aquatic and Marine | Tsawassen FN/BC Hydro | Tsawassen Eelgrass Transplant | Eelgrass Transplant |
Aquatic and Marine | Soowahlie FN Band | Emergency Post-Avulsion Bank Armouring | Permitting, Habitat Offset Planning, Construction Monitoring, and Reporting |
Aquatic and Marine | BC Hydra/Seabird Island FN Band | Hicks Creek Landslide Remediation and Stream Restoration | Permitting, Habitat Offset Planning, Construction, Monitoring, and Reporting |
Aquatic and Marine | Westem Forest Products | Cowichan Bay Sawmill Log Haul Channel Maintenance | Environmental Planning. Monitor Channel Dredging Marsh Habitat Planting, and Assessment of Land vs. Water, Borne Log Delivery Alternatives |
Aquatic and Marine | Various Private Land- owners | Belcarra Bay Dock Installations | Marine Resource and Eelgrass Assessments, Dock Siting and Permitting, and Boathouse/ Marine Rail Demo |
Water and Waste Wate | Metro Vancouver | Lulu Island Water Pipeline Crossing | Environmental Monitoring and Eulachon Studies |
Water and Waste Water | Metro Vancouver | Cambie Richmond Pipeline Crossing Seismic Stabilization | Marsh Plant Salvage and Replanting |
Water and Waste Water | McKinley Reservoir | Multi-battier Treatment Facility | Project Management, Assessment, and Monitoring |
Water and Waste Wate | John Hindle Drive | Installation of 6 inch Water Main System | Planning, Design, and Construction |
Water and Waste Water | Ellison system separation | Expansion and Upgrade of the Ellison Water System | Planning, Design/Procurement, and Construction |
Table Data | BC MOT | Port Mann HWY 1 Twinning | Fish Salvage |
Transportation | NWLAT | South Fraser Perimeter Road | Construction Monitoring |
Transportation | Trans-link, Province of BC City of Vancouver | Golder Ears Bridge | Phase 1,2 and 3 Environmental Services |
Transportation | Trans-link, Province of BC City of Vancouver | Sea-to-Sky Highway | Phase 1,2 and 3 Environmental Services |
Transportation | Mainroad | Banff NP Overpass and Culverts | Permitting, Development of CEMP and Construction and Monitoring |
Transportation | City of Calgary | NW Calgary LRT | Environmental Remediation and Reclamation |
Transportation (High speed rail) | City of Edmonton and Province of Alberta | Anthony Henday Ring Road | Environmental Design, Planning, and Project Execution |
Mining | Electa Gold | PEM 100 Quarry | Environmental Assessment, Permitting Water Quality Monitoring, and Environmental Management |
Mining | Hillsborough Resources | Bingay Creek Coal | Environmental Assessment, Permitting, Water Quality and Monitoring |
Mining | Homegold/Fertoz International | Phospohorite Mining at Various BC | Environmental Assessments, Develop Erosion/ Sediment. Control Plan & Support of Application Process |
Mining | Crown Resources | Buckhorn Mine Reclamation Plan | Post-mining Vegetation/Wetland Monitoring and Amphibian Surveys |
Power | Alberta Electrical Systems Operator, Province of Alberta | East Power Transmission Line | GIS Analysis, Route Selection, and EIA Risk Assessment |
Power | Enbridge Power | Enbridge Power Distribution Expansion (Ontario) | Phase 1,2 and 3 Environmental services |
Power | Enbridge Power | Ontario Energy Project | Phase 1,2 and 3 Environmental services |
Oil/Gas and Energy | Shell | LNG Canada | Amphibian Salvage and Nesting Bird Clearance Surveys |
Oil/Gas and Energy | Enbridge | Environmental Risk Assessment Program | Pump Stations and Facilities |
Oil/Gas and Energy | TransCanada | Energy East Program | River Crossings and EIA During Construction |
Oil/Gas and Energy | Suncor Energy | SAGD De-commissioning | Project-level Conservations and Reclamation |
Renewable and Clean Energy (Hydro) | BC Hydro, Province of BC City of Vancouver | Site C Hydro-electric Dam | Phase 1,2 and 3 Environmental Services and Amphibian/Fish Salvage |
Renewable and Clean Energy (Hydro) | Suncor Energy | Suncor Base Wind-power Operations | Phase 1,2 and 3 Environmental Services |
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